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As a part of the college international activities schedule for November, 2023 the college has held Staraya Ladoga Tour webinar with the aim to demonstrate professional skills and improve the professional competence of students, develop personal and creative potential of students and increase the prestige of the future profession.

Students of 227 group and the English teachers - Sadovskaya Lera and Shamraeva Inna- of Tourism Department together with the teachers and the students of Yerevan State Humanitarian College (Armenia), took part in the webinar on November 30th 2023.

Professional competence and creativity of the participants should be noted as well as a remarkable form of the lesson.

Both parties were satisfied with the conducted online meeting. Agreements to follow the international activities schedule for 2023-2024 were confirmed.


The material was prepared by

Tourism Department English teachers

Sadovskaya Lera, Shamraeva Inna,

Deputy Director,

International Cooperative Center Head

Kuznetsova Ludmila

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